Painting Portraits: Pets
Grades 6-9
Wednesdays, Jan 8th - March 5th
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Transform your furry friend into a work of art! Learn painting and cartooning styles while exploring textures, composition, and techniques to recreate lifelike details that bring your pet’s personality to life!
Annual Registration Fee Applies.
Registration Deadline 01/03/24
Meet the Instructor:
Anna Janke
Anna is an artist based in Madison, WI. Having graduated from UW-Madison in 2023 with a B.S. in Art, Anna believes that artmaking is a valuable practice for everyone, regardless of background, age, or skill, and appreciates art's versatility for communication, healing, and play.
Anna uses a variety of mediums in her personal work: graphite drawing, acrylic painting, photography, clay, woodworking, and sculpture. She often explores ways to capture memories and process her life experiences, so anything she can get her hands on is fair game for art creation!
Outside of her love for art, Anna is also interested in psychology and how it connects to art-making and creativity. You can find her around Madison swing-dancing, thrifting, and spending time with her friends outside of work.