Art Supply Donations
Your contributions truly help us foster creativity and inspiration within our community, and we are incredibly grateful for your ongoing support. Thank you so much for your donations!
Here you will find a list of items we are currently accepting as donations and a list of items we are not currently able to accept. Please be aware that our storage capacity is limited, and therefore, we are unable to take all items. Thank you for your understanding.
You may also view our Amazon Wish List and directly send items to MSAC!
Currently Accepting New or Gently Used:
Paper Rolls (Paper Towel or Toilet Paper)
Plastic Lids (From yogurt, sour cream, chip dip, etc.)
Sharpies/Permanent Markers
Tempera Paint
Model Magic (Crayola)
Ziploc Bags - all sizes
Aluminum Foil
Wax Paper
Pony Beads
Paper Grocery Bags
Scrapbook Paper
NOT Currently Accepting:
Recyclables (cardboard, food containers, egg cartons)
Perler Beads
Household Paint (Interior or Exterior)
Glass Products
Used Crayons/Markers/Colored Pencils